Thursday, May 30, 2013


Well, no, not dawn really. Sunset, but pardon my pop culture reference. So yes! Hooray! This is my final blog entry. I finished my paper for assignment 4 around 7 PM, and after some final touches and some editing, it's ready to go. If you really want to read it, you can find it here. I chose to discuss how libraries and librarians can use Tumblr as a primary Web 2.0 tool. I'm crazy about Tumblr, and I think it really is a great platform to connect with people. Plus, the fact that you can connect it to so many other social networking sites means you can update all of them from one place.

So, I suppose that's about it, really. Farewell, MLIS 7505 blog! I'm not entirely sure I'll visit again. I would love to keep up with my classmates, though! I've mentioned it before on Twitter, but I'll say it here again. If you want to find me anywhere, I'd wager 90% of the time, you can find me under doubtingsalmon (a reference to a book by Douglas Adams, one of my fav authors). This means you can check me out on Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


At this point, I am mostly finished with assignment 3. I've had a friend look over it for me, and now I just have to see what adjustments she made before I turn that in, which I'll do shortly. Then it's time to write my quick summary paragraph, post it, and then be FINISHED.

And then, of course, it's time to tackle assignment for. The actual writing of the paper I'm not too concerned about, because I can usually churn out 1200 words pretty quickly if I set my mind to it. The setting my mind to it is the difficult part. I'm looking to write about Web 2.0 and something to do with Tumblr and Tumblarians, because I am CRAZY about Tumblr (plus, Tumblarians is such a GREAT portmanteau!). I just still need to do some research. I've got lots of articles set aside, so tomorrow is going to be a LOT of reading/skimming/note taking.

If all goes according to plan, I won't have to abuse the grace period. But if work uses my call-in on Thursday, there's not much I can do about it. Here's to hoping we don't get another 92 boxes of shipment!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day 8

It's days like today that I wish a madman in a blue box would show up, and I could ask him to take me the The Library so I could get my homework done. Or at least ask him to pop into last week, smack me upside the head, and tell me to do my work.

As I said in my last entry, I'm a terrible procrastinator, and I haven't changed yet. Every now and then (and I mean like, one assignment every couple of years), I muster up the effort to do my work far in advance, and it always feels great! But apparently it doesn't feel great enough for me to remember to do that every time.

Some days, like today, I'm not entirely sure if this library stuff is for me. There are so many of my classmates who seem so into it, but it's not where my heart lies. I want to write a book! I've got these obnoxious characters that hang around in my head all day, and I just want to get them down on paper. *sigh* Alas! We cannot all have awesome friends like Harper Lee, who received an entire year's salary and was told to go write whatever she wanted.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 7

Woops! Got carried away with a project this evening and forgot to post when it was still officially Thursday.

I'm a terrible procrastinator, and I'm afraid I always will be. BUT, tomorrow I am determined to get going on school work, so that there's less of, "OMGOMGOMG IT'S ALL DUE TOMORROW AND I HAVE TO BE AT WORK TODAY" and more, "Oh hey! I'm just about done with this, and it's due tomorrow. Sweet!"

Of course, I said that yesterday, so here's to hoping that I don't make myself into a liar. Again.

Edit: Well, Blogger seems to still think it's Thursday. Alrighty then.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day 6

I keep getting Joomla ads on websites now. It's extremely irritating. I don't like being reminded of that thing.

But my dislike of Joomla is not saying that I'm put off the idea of using a CMS completely, just not that one. I confess that I wasn't even familiar with the term before this semester, and I think it's a really great way to help anyone build a website, but groups like libraries could especially benefit from such software. I'd definitely be interested in using another CMS provider if given the chance, or I'd be willing to use one at a job.

Somewhat unrelated, I was thinking yesterday of how I wished my local library had more events for writers. I know they do a Q&A type deal with local, published authors every now and then, but that's not really enough for me. I miss the workshop environment from my creative writing classes, where we'd all read copies of someone's story and then discuss what was good or bad about how it was crafted. I then wondered if my local library would be interested in starting some sort of creative writing workshop for aspiring writers. Nothing too fancy or official. I don't think you REALLY need to have a degree in order to tell someone how they can improve their writing, but getting together and getting fresh perspectives on things can be really beneficial. I have nooo idea how many people would be interested, but it's definitely something I'd like to see more of.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 5

Finally decided to call it quits with Joomla. I've done what needed to be done, and right now, for the sake of my sanity (and my computer; Joomla made me want to smash things), it needs to be called "completed." I was quite relieved to see that my classmates were having the same issues with it that I was, though.

Haven't had much time to get started on the discussion topics. I had a pretty busy weekend: a wedding yesterday and work all day today. I'll be tackling all of that tomorrow and Tuesday, since I'm off work.

I was quite pleased to get a small amount of writing done with my phone while on break today. I've got this nice, simple app called "Werdsmith" that gets the job done. I can sometimes do the most creative writing when I'm anywhere but home, so it's nice to know I've got this little app nearby incase I haven't remembered to snag a pen and notebook. I've just gotten an iPhone, so all these applications and things are shiny and new to me. XD

Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 4

In which I find myself going mad.

Though I have yet to complete Assignment 2, I have a blog post due today, and working with Joomla has been a harrowing experience, so I thought I'd ramble about it today.

I don't even know where to begin. Whether it's my computer that's been acting odd ever since I updated the OS months ago, or just the Joomla site, or the combination of the two, I don't know. But all day as I've tried to build the site, it's been freezing and Chrome as been like, "Do you want to wait for this page or kill it?" And I've sighed and said, "Well, I'd like to wait, because I haven't saved yet. But this is the third time you've had to ask me so KILL IT. KILL IT WITH FIRE!"

Needless to say, I'm not a fan of this thing. Give me Text Edit and several hours of coding any day.

I thought, at first, that I could skim over the webinar/tutorial for the gist of it, and then figure it out on my own. I'm usually very good at figuring things out on my own. I was wrong. So wrong. I had to go back and watch the webinar. But I don't like that you almost have to do that; I don't see it as being very user friendly. I understand having the tutorials and webinars there for more advanced designing and what not, but I want to be able to understand the basics right away. I don't want to have to watch 40 minutes just to figure out how to add an article. Which reminds me: article? I thought they were called "pages." I don't like their jargon. Not one bit. I think that's another big issue I'm having trouble with. I don't know where to find things because I don't know what they're called. I know what they're logically called in the world of web design/the Internet, but Joomla, it seems, has decided to do whatever they want. No. Bad, Joomla.

This whole thing is turning out to be much more frustrating that I'd hoped. I have to stop working on this thing today. I'm going to go enjoy the rain and maybe get a bit of writing done.