Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day 8

It's days like today that I wish a madman in a blue box would show up, and I could ask him to take me the The Library so I could get my homework done. Or at least ask him to pop into last week, smack me upside the head, and tell me to do my work.

As I said in my last entry, I'm a terrible procrastinator, and I haven't changed yet. Every now and then (and I mean like, one assignment every couple of years), I muster up the effort to do my work far in advance, and it always feels great! But apparently it doesn't feel great enough for me to remember to do that every time.

Some days, like today, I'm not entirely sure if this library stuff is for me. There are so many of my classmates who seem so into it, but it's not where my heart lies. I want to write a book! I've got these obnoxious characters that hang around in my head all day, and I just want to get them down on paper. *sigh* Alas! We cannot all have awesome friends like Harper Lee, who received an entire year's salary and was told to go write whatever she wanted.


  1. I don't know how much procrastination and book writing mix. And I don't know if there's any better place for inspiration than working in a library all day. Either way, I'd love to write a book, and I wish you all the luck! Also, I often don't feel as inspired as everyone else seems, but then I don't really know what I'd rather be doing, so here I am. Some topics are just way more interesting to different people, I guess.

  2. I can assure you that procrastination and writing a book don't mix well at all. Throw Tumblr into that mix and you've got a really bad problem. XD There's a quote by Douglas Adams, a favorite author of mine, that goes "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." I'm nearly certain that will be me someday, though I typically manage to make it by the deadline, procrastination and all. lol

  3. And as they always say, one of the main benefits of a library career is that it typically permits the existence of hobbies outside of work. I can imagine many librarians simply going through the work-a-day motions in order to fuel what they really love to do outside of work. It makes for a diverse and interesting workforce, and typically a group of people who are happy with their jobs because they are happy with whatever is going on outside of them.

  4. It's easy for school to get you down. Especially when it keeps you from doing what you really want. It's just another lesson in self-motivation and dedication. I know there's been numerous occasions where I've questioned my decision. Honestly, I don't know where it will take me. Every other day I fluctuate between a traditional library and a completely different setting. For me, really, completing a graduate degree is the biggest goal. It's been a total confidence booster. I know in the end I'll land some place, and it will be an improvement over where I'm at now.

    Just remember that you don't have to become a librarian and, honestly, you don't have to finish this degree. However, in terms of the degree, you may feel better for seeing it through. It could be the boost needed to complete your first book.
