At this point, I am mostly finished with assignment 3. I've had a friend look over it for me, and now I just have to see what adjustments she made before I turn that in, which I'll do shortly. Then it's time to write my quick summary paragraph, post it, and then be FINISHED.
And then, of course, it's time to tackle assignment for. The actual writing of the paper I'm not too concerned about, because I can usually churn out 1200 words pretty quickly if I set my mind to it. The setting my mind to it is the difficult part. I'm looking to write about Web 2.0 and something to do with Tumblr and Tumblarians, because I am CRAZY about Tumblr (plus, Tumblarians is such a GREAT portmanteau!). I just still need to do some research. I've got lots of articles set aside, so tomorrow is going to be a LOT of reading/skimming/note taking.
If all goes according to plan, I won't have to abuse the grace period. But if work uses my call-in on Thursday, there's not much I can do about it. Here's to hoping we don't get another 92 boxes of shipment!
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